Session 3: Basics Refresher JS

Web Coding

Intro to Web Development and Game Prototyping

Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura @ dieAngewandte

Getting up to speed

Remember to look into the MDN Getting Started with the Web Guide and the introductory section on JavaScript basics, if all of this is a bit too fast or too much to comprehend for now.

What is JavaScript?

  • a full programming language
  • to add interactivity to a page
  • originally developed for the browser
  • today even used on servers (e.g. Node.js)
  • nearly no web apps without JavaScript

Introductory reference guide @ MDN web docs: JavaScript — Dynamic client-side scripting

JavaScript FTW!

Can be included directly in your HTML page:


Better yet, include it as a file:


Selecting elements and changing its text

              const myHeading = document.querySelector('h1');
              myHeading.textContent = 'Hello world!';
              let playerName = 'Jane Doe (for now)';
              const elPlayerName = document.getElementById('player-name');
              elPlayerName.textContent = playerName;

Data types

              let myString = 'Francine';
              let myLongerString = 'Francine is a lovely name!';
              let myNumber = 5000;
              let myBoolen = true;
              let myOtherBoolen = false;
              let myArray = [42, 'is the answer', true, myLongerString, myBoolean];
              let myObject = {
                name: 'Elvira',
                type: 'Bat',
                strength: 1000,
                mana: 777,
                alive: true
              myObject.type = 'Werebat';

Introductory reference guide @ MDN web docs: Storing the information you need — Variables


              const answer = 23 + 19;
              let playerName = 'Francine';
              let greeting = 'Welcome ' + playerName;
              let arbitraryNumber = (9 - 3) * 8 + 9 / 3 * (23 + 2) / 2;
              let isPlayerFrancine = playerName === 'Francine';
              let truth = answer === 42;
              let isFalse = 23 === 42;
              let isTrue  = 23 !== 42;
              let alsoFalse = 42 === '42';

Introductory reference guide @ MDN web docs: Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators


              let iceCream = 'chocolate';
              let players = 5;
              if ( iceCream === 'chocolate' ) {
                alert('Yay, I love chocolate ice cream!');
              } else {
                alert('Awwww, but chocolate is my favorite...');
              if ( players >= 4 ) {
                console.log('starting up the game engine');

Introductory reference guide @ MDN web docs: Making decisions in your code — conditionals

experimentation break

try out what you've learned so far


              // a function we already used:
              alert ('Hiyaaaa!');
              // another function we already used, which returns something useful:
              let element = document.getElementById('player-name');
              // a new function we create right now:
              function multiply(num1,num2) {
                let result = num1 * num2;
                return result;
              // using our new function
              multiply(4, 7);
              multiply(20, 20);
              multiply(0.5, 3);

Introductory reference guide @ MDN web docs: Functions — reusable blocks of code


              // an example event for a start
              document.querySelector('html').onclick = function() {
                alert('Ouch! Stop poking me!');
              // let's disassemble the above a bit:
              // 1. create a function that produces an alert when executed
              function pokeAlert () {
                alert('Ouch! Stop poking me!');
              // 2. create a reference to the whole page (the  tag)
              let element = document.querySelector('html');
              // 3. assign the pokeAlert function to the onclick event handler of the page
              element.onclick = pokeAlert
              !! DISCLAIMER !!
              there are soooooo many events:
              and soooo many event handlers:
              don't despair! we'll introduce some of the most important over time

Introductory reference guide @ MDN web docs: Introduction to events

in-class exercise

Add the following functionality to the page developed in session 2:

  • When the user clicks on the image, it changes (e.g. switch between two images; could also use more or random images)
  • When the user clicks on the button, the user is asked for a user name and the heading is changed accordingly to greet the user

(see next slide for some tips)

exercise tips & tricks

              // select an element by id (remember to put the ID in the HTML tag)
              const mainImage = document.getElementById('main-image');
              // change the src of an image
              mainImage.src = 'assets/other-image.png';
              // make an element do something (e.g. the button)
              function doSomething () {
              document.getElementById('start-button').onclick = doSomething;
              // prompt the user for some input
              let name = prompt("How would you like to be called today?");

And always remember:

              console.log('Use the console, young Codawan!')