Session 5

Entry Level Challenge

31. Oct. 2022, 17:00-18:30

Artful Coding 1: web-based games development


Today's agenda

  • A little helper: jQuery
  • Entry level challenge: The FizzBuzz Page


"jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers." (

jQuery Learning Center:

Selecting elements

              const $button = $( '#my-id' );
              const $image = $( 'ul li:first-child' )
              const $allParagraphs = $( 'p' )
              const $allContainers = $( '.container' )

jQuery Learning Center: Selecting Elements

Manipulating elements

              $image.attr('src', 'other-image.png');
              $allParagraphs.text('This is now all gone!');
              $allContainers.css('border', '1px dotted gray');

              function toggleContainers() {
                // see also .show() and .hide()
              $button.on('click', toggleContainers);

              // as jQuery object methods return the object itself, we can even
              // chain different operations together
              $( 'article' ).find( 'li' ).eq( 9 ).text( "don't make lists too long!" );

jQuery Learning Center: Working with Selections

jQuery Learning Center: Manipulating Elements

Creating new elements

              $myNewElement = $( '

And a new chapter shall begin!

' ) // now get some other element and append the new one to it $('article.story').append($myNewElement) // or append the element to some other element's content $myNewElement.appendTo( $('article.story') )

And so much more ...

Including jQuery

Either load it through a CDN like or go to, and put the version you want to use into your project assets.

              <!-- through a CDN: -->
              <!-- as a project asset -->
              <script src="assets/jquery-3.6.1.min.js">

jQuery : document ready?

              $( document ).ready(function() {
                // initialise app
              // $() is a shorthand for $(document).ready()
              // if you want to be nice use the upper version
              $(() => {
                // initialise app

More on app initialisation with jQuery: $( document ).ready()

jQuery example page

session 5: jquery example page

Assignment #1

The FizzBuzz Page

"Fizz buzz is a group word game for children to teach them about division." Wikipedia: Fizz buzz

It is also a common exercise in learning to code.
So here we go: Session Plan 5