Session 4: Basics Refresher JS ctd.

Web Coding

Intro to Web Development and Game Prototyping

Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura @ dieAngewandte

Last session

  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Conditionals
  • Functions
  • Events
  • logging things to the console
  • prompting the user for input
  • create event handlers
  • selecting elements
  • changing content

This session

  • Simple loops
  • Scope
  • Experimentation & consolidation

Simple loops

Introductory reference guide @ MDN web docs: Looping code


              var i = 0;
              while (i < 100) {
                // doing some stuff here
                // increasing the loop condition


              var i = 0;
              do {
                // doing some stuff here
                // increasing the loop condition
              } while (i < 100);


              for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
                // doing some stuff here

Looping through an array

the classical way

              var myArr = ['This', 'is', 'an', 'array', 'full', 'of', 'words'];

              for (var i = 0; i < myArr.length; i++) {
                console.log( i, myArr[i] );

being annoying with loops

              var answer;
              do {
                answer = prompt('Tell me a little more about you.');
              } while (!answer || answer.toLowerCase() !== 'no');

breaking out of a loop

              for (var i=0; i<50; i++) {
                // doing some stuff here
                // check for a condition to end the loop
                if (i > 0 && i % 42 === 0) {

continueing the loop iteration

              for (var i=0; i<50; i++) {
                // only do stuff every other time
                if (i % 2) continue;
                // doing some stuff here

experimentation break

try out what you've learned so far


3 types of scope in JS, which determine the visibility/accessibility of variables

  • global scope
  • function scope
  • block scope (since ES6)

scope with var

            var x = 23;  // global scope

            function doSomething () {
              // a function always has access to parent scope
              console.log('doing something with x:', x);  // 23

            function doSomeMore () {
              var x = 'WTF?!?';  // function scope masks the parent/global scope
              var y = 42;        // function scope
              console.log('x inside something:', x);  // 'WTF?!?'
              console.log('y inside something:', y);  // 42


            console.log('x in global scope:', x);  // 23
            console.log('y in global scope:', y);  // throws error, existed only in doSomeMore()

            if ( true ) {
              var x = 'block23';  // no block scope available with var -> global scope
              var z = 'mimimi';   // no block scope available with var -> global scope
            console.log('x after assignment in block:', x);  // 'block23'
            console.log('z outside of scoped block:', z);    // 'mimimi'

block scope and let

            let x = 23;  // global scope

            // doSomething() and doSomeMore() work similar with let than in the var example
            // only let does not let you redeclare a variable if it was already
            // declared once, in the scope (var would let you do that)

            // but now for the block scope thingy
            if ( true ) {
              let x = 'block23';  // block scope
              let z = 'mimimi';   // block scope
            console.log('x after assignment in block:', x);  // 23, the 'block23'-x only existed in block
            console.log('z outside of scoped block:', z);    // throws error, existed only in block

in-class exercise

Add the following functionality to the page developed in session 3:

  • After the user entered their name, start a loop that counts from 0 to 100 and print each number to the console.
  • Create an array containing several short sentences. Then create a loop that walks through this array and prints every sentence to the console, except when the sentence has less than 10 characters (spaces included). If the loop encounters an empty string, instead of a sentence, it should be stopped immediately.