Session 12:

Memory Game Prototype, part 1

Web Coding

Intro to Web Development and Game Prototyping

Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura @ dieAngewandte

the concept


the scaffold

              <!DOCTYPE html>
              <html lang="en" dir="ltr">


</body> </html>

the content



not a lot

              body div.container {
                width: 800px;
                margin: auto;

              #cards {
                width: 100%;
                padding: 1em 0;

              #cards .row {
                display: flex;
                justify-content: space-around;

              #cards .card {
                width: 100px;
                height: 100px;
                margin: 1em;
                border: 1px solid black;
                border-radius: 5%;

              #cards .card .content {
                padding-top: 20px;
                text-align: center;
                font-size: 3em;
                display: none;


game config & randInt

              const memoryItemPool = [
                '🌕', '🚀', '🐝', '🍀', '⌛', '📞', '👀', '📪', '📫', '🚃',
                '🚢', '🚇', '⛄', '🍦', '🏂', '🥶', '🐧', '💜', '🔥', '🌶',
                '🍵', '🫖', '⭐', '💋', '🌏', '💪'

              let currentGameItems = []
              const gameState = {
                status: 'uninitialised',
                processing: false,
                difficulty: 'count only',
                favourite: false,
                stats: {
                  health: 0,
                  count: 0,
                grid: [],

              // little helper function to get a random integer
              function randInt(max) {
                return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);


              function init () {
                // create new random array of current game items
                let memoryPool = [...memoryItemPool]
                currentGameItems = []
                while (currentGameItems.length < 12) {
                  let i = randInt(memoryPool.length)
                  let [item] = memoryPool.splice(i, 1)  // using a destructuring assignment
                              // to get the single item out of the array returned by splice

                // create a grid with pairs of game items
                let currentItemPool = [...currentGameItems]
                gameState.grid = []
                for (let row=0; row < 4; row++) {
                  for (let col=0; col < 6; col++) {
                    let i = randInt(currentItemPool.length)
                    let [item] = currentItemPool.splice(i, 1)
                      item: item,
                      hidden: true,
                      solved: false,

                // now create the memory cards from this grid

                gameState.status = 'initialised'

creating cards

              function createCards(grid) {
                $cards = $( '#cards' )
                for (let row=0; row<4; row++) {
                  let $row = $( '
' ) $cards.append($row) for (let col=0; col<6; col++) { $card = $( `
` ) $card.attr('row', row) $card.attr('col', col) $card.on('click', clickMemoryCard) $row.append($card) } } }

handle card clicks

              function clickMemoryCard(event) {
                // if the current game is completed or the grid is just being processed,
                // ignore all clicks on cards
                if (gameState.status === 'done' || gameState.processing) {

                // if the card is not yet visible the will be the card itself,
                // but if it is already visible the target will point to the content
                let $card = $( )
                if ($card.hasClass('content')) {
                  $card = $card.parent()

                // fetch row and col attributes and show the card if it is still hidden
                let row = $card.attr('row')
                let col = $card.attr('col')
                if ( gameState.grid[row][col].hidden ) {
                  gameState.grid[row][col].hidden = false
                  // reveal the card slowly and afterwards process the grid
                  $card.children().show( 'slow', processGrid )

processing the grid

              function processGrid () {
                gameState.processing = true
                let openUnsolved = getOpenUnsolvedCards()

                if (openUnsolved.length < 2) {
                  gameState.processing = false

                if (openUnsolved[0].card.item === openUnsolved[1].card.item) {
                  openUnsolved[0].card.solved = true
                  openUnsolved[1].card.solved = true
                  gameState.processing = false

                // wait for a short amount of time and then hide unsolved cards
                setTimeout(() => {
                  let row, col
                  let $card
                  let $cards = $( '#cards' )
                  row = openUnsolved[0].row
                  col = openUnsolved[0].col
                  gameState.grid[row][col].hidden = true
                  $card = $cards.children().eq(row).children().eq(col)
                  row = openUnsolved[1].row
                  col = openUnsolved[1].col
                  gameState.grid[row][col].hidden = true
                  $card = $cards.children().eq(row).children().eq(col)
                  // after the second card is hidden set the processing stat to false
                  $card.children().hide('slow', () => {gameState.processing = false})
                }, 500)

a little helper & document ready function

              function getOpenUnsolvedCards () {
                let ret = []
                for (let row=0; row < 4; row++) {
                  for (let col=0; col < 6; col++) {
                    if (!gameState.grid[row][col].hidden && !gameState.grid[row][col].solved) {
                        row: row,
                        col: col,
                        card: gameState.grid[row][col]
                return ret

              $( document ).ready(function () {

additional debugging help

              // a little helper function throughout development, to be able to log the
              // grid nicely to the console; should/could be removed after development;
              // but on the other hand, a person who opens the source code of your game
              // and uses the console while gaming, might find out a way to "cheat" anyways,
              // so you could also just leave it in. as mentioned in the intro session,
              // cheating often is also just a different way to learn something ;)
              function debugGrid () {
                  for (let row=0; row < 4; row++) {
                      let r = ''
                      for(let col=0; col < 6; col++) {
                          r += gameState.grid[row][col].item + ' '

Remember: Use the console, young Codawan!

(you can now use debugGrid() in the console any time you need to know where the pairs are hidden)

Current state: a first prototype

memoroji! prototype v1

Still missing functionality:

  • Implementation of buttons
  • Storage of current state and favourite
  • Difficulty, health and stats

to be continued next session