Docker Intro Workshop

Feminist Linux Meetup Edition 2024.2

jackie / Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura <>

Creative Commons License All contents, unless otherwise noted, were produced by Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura
under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 4.0 International License.

The origin:

Works on my machine!

Workshop schedule

  • Welcome & get to know each other (20 min)
  • Docker playground & terminal (10 min)
  • Concept intro (20 min)
  • Running basic containers (30 min)
  • BREAK (15 min)
  • Playground Course: Docker for Beginners - Linux (60 min)
  • BREAK (15 min)
  • Teaser: Container networks & compose files (30 min)
  • Q&A, Open Stage (30min)



  • Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura (if you need a legal name)
  • jackie (in almost all other cases)
  • Pronouns:
    • she/her in binary gender space
    • ze/hir in the wider multiverse
  • Working mostly as open source engineer @ dieAngewandte
    • focus: backend with Python/Django and DevOps-y stuff
  • Also trying to clone myself to do:
    • teaching web-based game prototyping and machine learning @ dieAngewandte
    • and feminist technoscience (studies) @ TU Wien
    • some side web projects for NGOs (mostly WordPress based)
    • organising feminist linux meetups and other community stuff
  • More details on

who are you?

A few tool questions : #585309

The Docker Playground


The Terminal

docker playground

If you have a Docker Hub account:

  1. go to
  2. hit the START button
  3. add a new instance to play with
  4. and type
    docker run hello-world

terminal and local docker

If you have docker installed on your machine:

  1. open up the terminal application of your choice
  2. and type
    docker run hello-world

Concept intro

What is Docker?


creating multiple isolated process environments that can run on the same operating system

a specific approach to OS-level virtualisation

Source:, CC-BY 4.0

The Docker Handbook

by Farhan Hasin Chowdhury

can be found here:

We will take a short excursion to its Hello World in Docker chapter now.

running basic containers

Use the help, young podawan!

docker help

and the official docs of course

and maybe one of these
Docker Cheat Sheets

Container Manipulation Basics

Another excursion to the Docker Handbook,
now to the Container Manipulation Basics chapter.

Time for a break!

☕ 🍵 🍪 🍓 🥭

Playground Course:

Docker for Beginners - Linux

Head over to the Play with Docker classroom:

You find some learning paths there, whether you come from an Ops or a Dev side. But there is also a full list of individual labs to choose from.

I recommend you take the Docker for Beginners - Linux lab, which is a good intro for everyone and should take approximately 30 minutes.

Time for a break!

☕ 🍵 🍪 🍓 🥭

container networks & compose files

a teaser

A simple docker-compose.yaml file to set up a fresh Wordpress website.

We're done!

🎆 🎉 🎓 🎊 🎆

... or ...

... are we?

Q&A / Open Stage now!