# Kick-off session In this session we get to know each other as well as the course outline and the (expected/assumed/planned) trajectory. As a general disclaimer, this course is currently in a sort of experimental / pre-alpha state, so things will be produced on the fly, and the outline might change based on our collective experiences and experimentations. The specific outline for the kick-off session is: * 15 min: Intro of outline & lecturer * 15 min: Intro of participants * 10 min: Teaching approach and grading requirements * 40 min: Group exploration - getting to know each other * 10 min: Setting up communication channels, open space / Q&A The session slides are available at [slides/session1.html](https://tantemalkah.at/2023/machine-learning/slides/session1.html) A recording with a short summary of the kick-off for all those who could not attend is available on the base cloud: [Kick-off Summary](https://base.uni-ak.ac.at/cloud/index.php/s/WMLD4t4KqrmtAgf) (~16min, 52MB)