tiss: 034.016 Feministische Technikforschung
"If a group of people participate in a research program there occurs a peculiar process. Each member of the group reads different texts (both popular and professional), participates in different experiments, and belongs to more or less different thought collectives (both scientific and non-scientific). So, when they start speaking to each other and reading each other’s papers, a series of misunderstandings arises. Ideas circulate within a collective and are enriched by new associations, and therefore the words that are used change their meanings." (Sady 2021)
"Sometimes nothing is left of the original meanings intended by those participating in the exchange of ideas. Sometimes the changes stem from a clash of various proto-ideas. And that clash itself is a result of various social factors. Having conducted countless studies and conversations and embarked upon a long journey, the scholars finally create a thought style which nobody intended. And after this has happened, nobody _post factum_ knows when and how that style started to operate and who, specifically, created it." (ibid)
"Before new sensual and thought forms arise, a certain “specific intellectual unrest must arise and a change of the moods of the thought collective” (1935b). If a person makes an important discovery but social moods do not change, she will not find people who take up her ideas and continue research." (ibid)
"In this process there is nothing necessary; various accidental circumstances decide which ideas become a basis for investigation and are disseminated within a collective; which meetings between scientists happen; which research projects acquire social support; which experiments are conducted first etc. [...] Summing up this idea Fleck claims that most—and maybe even the whole—content of scientific knowledge is conditioned by historical, psychological and sociological factors and one has to consider them when attempting to explain that content (1935a, II.1)." (ibid)
"Fleck stresses that there is no thinking which is free from emotions: “There is only agreement or difference between feelings, and the uniform agreement in the emotions of a society is, in its content, called freedom from emotions” (1935a, II.4)" (ibid)
"Gefühlsfreies Denken kann nur ein solches bedeuten, das vom momentanen, persönlichen Stimmungszustande unabhängig ist, aber aus einer durchschnittlichen Kollektivstimmung erfließt. Der Begriff eines überhaupt gefühlsfreien Denkens hat keinen Sinn. Es gibt keine Gefühlsfreiheit an sich oder reine Verstandesmäßigkeit an sich - wie wären sie nur festzustellen? Es gibt nur Gefühlsübereinstimmung oder Gefühlsdifferenz, und die gleichmäßige Gefühlsübereinstimmung einer Gesellschaft heißt in ihrem Bereiche Gefühlsfreiheit." (Fleck 1935, p. 67)
Sue V. Rosser (2001): "Are There Feminist Methodologies Appropriate for the Natural Sciences and Do They Make a Difference?"
in: The Gender and Science Reader, edited by Muriel Lederman and Ingrid Bartsch, 123–44. Routledge
Schröter, Susanne. 2002. FeMale. Über Grenzverläufe Zwischen Den Geschlechtern. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
Geschlecht als wirkmächtige Kategorie menschlichen Handelns:
"all feminist theory posits gender as a significant characteristic that interacts with other characteristics, such as race and class, to structure relationships between individuals, within groups, and within society as a whole. However, using the lens of gender to view the world results in diverse images or theories" (Rosser 2001, p. 126)
"[N]umerous complexities exist among definitions of liberal feminists today. However, a general definition of liberal feminism is the belief that women are suppressed in contemporary society because they suffer unjust discrimination [...]. Liberal feminists seek no special privileges for women and simply demand that everyone receive equal consideration without discrimination on the basis of sex." (ibid)
Objektivität der Wissenschaft: "contingent upon value neutrality or freedom from values, interests, and emotions associated with a particular class, race, or sex." (ibid)
"It does not question the integrity of the scientific method itself or of its supporting corollaries of objectivity and value neutrality. Liberal feminism reaffirms the idea that it is possible to find a perspective from which to observe that is truly impartial, rational, and detached. Lack of objectivity and presence of bias occur because of human failure to properly follow the scientific method and avoid bias due to situation or condition." (Rosser 2001, p. 129)
"Liberal feminism also implies that good scientific research is not conducted differently by men and women and that in principle men can be just as good feminists as women." (ibid)
"One can imagine that a society free from inequality between the sexes and lacking homophobia would not view sex differences and sexual preferences differences research as valid scientific endeavours. The fact that our society supports such research indicates the extent to which the values of the society and the scientists influence scientific inequity and 'objectivity'." (ibid, p. 131)
"Classical Marxist and African-American critiques suggest that individuals oppressed by class (Marxist) and/or race (African-American) have an advantageous ad more comprehensive view of reality. Because of their oppression, they have an interest in perceiving problems with the status quo and the science and knowledge produced by the dominant class and race. Simultaneously, their position requires them to understand the science and condition of the dominant group in order to survive." (ibid)
"that women are different from men because of their biology, specifically their secondary sex characteristics and their reproductive systems. Frequently, essentialist feminism may extend to include gender differences in visuospatial and verbal ability, aggression and other behavior, and other physical and mental traits based on prenatal or pubertal hormone exposure." (ibid, p. 133)
"The methodological implications which flow from existentialist feminism are that a society which emphasized gender differences would produce a science which emphasized sex differences. In such a society, men and women might be expected to create very different sciences because of the social construction of both gender and science." (ibid, p. 134)
"Psychoanalytic feminism does not necessarily imply that biological males will take a masculine approach and that biological females will take a feminine approach. In most cases, due to the resolution of the Oedipal complex with a female caretaker, this will be the case." This is seen as a reason "why so mane more males then females are attracted to science. However, many of the biological females who are currently scientists probably take a more masculine approach, due not only to resolution of psychosexual development phases but also to training by male scientists. Psychoanalytic feminism also suggests that biological males could take a 'feminine' approach." (ibid, p. 136)
"Radical feminism posits that it is women, not men, who can be the knowers. Because women have been oppressed, they know more then men. They must see the world from the male perspective in order to survive, but their double vision from their experience as an oppressed group allows them to see more then men." (ibid)
"Lesbian separatists suggest that daily interaction with the patriarchal world and compulsory heterosexuality make it impossible for women to completely understand their oppression and its distortion of their experience of reality. Therefore, in order to connect with other women and nature to understand reality, women must separate themselves from men." (ibid, p. 138)
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