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""It is worth stating upfront that there is no ‘superior’ method, nor is there a method that is in and of itself feminist. Indeed, methods are merely tools or techniques for gathering data (Harding, 1987). However, even methods have assumptions built into them. " (Wigginton and Lafrance 2019, p. 10)
. . .
"Take, for example, the use of a survey measuring ‘femininity’. This method assumes an internal quality of individuals that can be measured independent of context. It also assumes that with its presumably sound psychometric properties, the construct of femininity is stable across time, cultures and populations. These assumptions are likely to sit comfortably for an empiricist who seeks to ‘uncover’ an observable truth/reality, yet are inappropriate for social constructionists and standpoint theorists who reject such assertions, and instead tend to be interested in language as a means of/for representation, and therefore often use qualitative methods (e.g. interviews or focus groups)." (ibid)
"[W]ith no distinctive feminist method (Harding, 1987), one cannot claim that qualitative methods (e.g. semi-structured interviews) are inherently ‘feminist’, or that quantitative methods (e.g. survey measures) are ‘unfeminist’. All methods can be used in sexist ways; and, conversely, all can be used toward feminist ends (Peplau & Conrad, 1989). In fact, a preoccupation with methods has often distracted from “the most interesting aspects” of feminist research, which is the research process (Harding, 1987, p. 1) – from design to dissemination." (Wigginton and Lafrance 2019, p. 11)
"Wir vertreten somit den Standpunkt, dass auch quantitative Forschung – durch eine erneute Dekonstruktion von ‚natürlichen‘ Kategorien – wenigstens teilweise queer sein kann, wenn die gebildeten Kategorien hegemoniale Zuordnungen hinterfragen und umstürzen und somit auf Machverhältnisse aufmerksam machen."
Eine Idee:
wieso in klassischen Umfragen wo Geschlecht (oft nur) als m/f erhoben wird, stattdesseb nak f/m als prozentangabe aufnehmen.
... fürs Projekt: Z.b. kombiniert mit Fragen dazu wie relevant die Personen Gender & Diversity Aspekte für ihr Studium halten
"Allyship does not necessitate activism, but you do need to take action, you do need to act"
— Summary of the discussion by Jennifer Tisdale, the panel host in the panel on "Authentic Allyship in Tech" at Grimmcon0x8 (May 18, 2023)
Wo auf der Dunning-Kruger Kurve würdest du dich in Bezug auf feministische Technikforschung jetzt gerade gefühlt verorten?
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über diese LV, ihre Inhalte, Methoden, didaktischen Zugänge
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